From the UK with love From the UK with love
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Made in the UK

Shop for anything made, produced or designed in the UK

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Brands we think you'll love

A glimpse of diverse products by Bombus, supporting the UK economy on YouK.
A glimpse of diverse products by Bombus, supporting the UK economy on YouK.

Bombus create a range of personalised map gifts, their creative team collaborate with customers to find a design and map that is meaningful and beautiful. Their products are fantastic personalised gifts for friends and family, or make for great personalised art in your home.

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A glimpse of diverse products by By Sarah London, supporting the UK economy on YouK.

By Sarah London was founded by Sarah to help repair her sister's skin who was recovering from Leukemia at the time. Their science-led products are all Vegan and Cruelty-Free are all you can see a list of all ingredients used on their website. The products are designed to "improve emotional well being for stressed skin."

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A glimpse of diverse products by Dr Will's, supporting the UK economy on YouK.
A glimpse of diverse products by Dr Will's, supporting the UK economy on YouK.
A glimpse of diverse products by Dr Will's, supporting the UK economy on YouK.

Dr. Will's deliver a range of all natural condiments that taste great without containing any additives, preservatives or refined sugars.

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A glimpse of diverse products by Hattiers Rum, supporting the UK economy on YouK.

Hattiers Rum was established in 2017 and after many months of travel and research they established their Hattiers Premium Reserve Rum. Their rum has won multiple awards since they launched and they are working on some new rum expressions.

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Made in the UK Highlights

Discover anything and everything made around you

Certified B Corporations are businesses that meet the highest social and environmental criteria and are transparent and accountable for everything within the business

UK consumers ‘buying local’ will have huge benefits for the environment, UK jobs and public services

The YouK team picks out their favourite cheeses from independent UK cheesemakers

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Made in the UK

We promote all UK made, produced or designed consumer products.

Shop local

Shopping local has huge environmental benefits, supports local economies and jobs, and helps fund our public services.

Market leaders

YouK is the market leading source of information, with over 95%+ by value of all brands and products represented.*

*YouK earns a small commission on some products. See more

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